Friday, August 21, 2020

2020 - August Update

 After a week of bankrupcy talks, and suggesting that we probably will go bankrupt and then we will probably go BK11 to keep our jobs and then officially thinking we will not go bankrupt, and then the board telling us finally on Aug 19th that we will go bankrupt 7.

Alot of concerns from friends as I suggested it on fb, but surprisingly the negative thoughts have not overwhelmed me.  Can this be the God is in control and I know he is, or that I am self-confident in my abilities?  

There were a couple options to look into: back to the county and an ET1, or cal state Job developer.  I actually have been thinking how much the Immersion program goes against self-edification and behavior modification and less reliance on the Lord.  Nothing would be better than to find work that supports my faith in sharing and building up people's faith.  I suppose I need to be built up for that kind of work, or least God giving me the green light. If there is one thing I hope and pray for, that this next opportunity, would not simply be pulling a paycheck but that it can match up with my faith and perhaps have some excitement involved.  I don't know how much longer this world will last, but a life without my savior would be a meaningless life, and life of self-gratification, a life of envy, a life of self-indulgence.  A desire I have is to really do the word of God and experience his obedience.  Right now God has given me all I need.

I want to use this opportunity to trust in God, in something very real and practical.  God has sustained me this far, why should I believe he wouldn't sustain me further?  Devil may want to sift me, but God is my redeemer and provider.   

One thing I have been neglecting is God's word and prioritizing God's word has always been struggle.  Not b/c I don't get anything out of it, but I know it requires my full focus which always has been a challenge.  Lord renew my focus.  

-This morning, I was briefly listening to a sermon on time, God wants us to wait with patience the  Devil wants us to panic and desires instant gratification.  As a follower of Christ, patience and humility must be built up.   

-God has a plan, and nothing could be more rewarding than waiting at the feet of Jesus on what is next.  I need to pray that I can wait and the feet of Jesus and listen to his plan.  

-The one thing that really sticks out, and just read in psalms 25, is to let me not be ashamed.  Satan uses shame to dig deep into our insecurities and our soul.